Well here I am once again ready to list off some visual literacy examples in our everyday life. Lately I have been viewing movies and observing signs to see if they remind me of anything in particular. One of the visual examples that was brought up in class is the typical McDonald's fast food sign. She put up just this image and asked us if just by looking at it if we knew what the sign meant. Of course immediately all of the students knew what it meant. When I see this logo it makes me crave a hamburger which is an adequate example of how visual literacy can affect what you see and think. Commercials for food also use visual literacy to make you want to eat their food. Images of a delicious taco or a juicy burger always tempt the senses.
Another example that was brought up in class is traffic signs. She showed us a few clip art images of a yield sign, a stop sign and a deer crossing sign. Just like before all of the students knew what they meant. It seems that visual literacy have more of an effect on our lives then we would think and the more I observe the more I notice. I mean look here I was sitting in class and my Leisure Youth and Human Services teacher connects visual literacy with n effective way to communicate. How interesting!
picture taken from google images
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