The very first post should be related to Visual Symblos in My Life: Describe how visual symbols affect your life on a daily basis. Make sure to include some visual examples. At the end of the course you will answer the above questions again, and you will reflect on how will an increased knowledge of Visual Literacy help you to create, understand, classify, and appreciate visuals.
While going through everyday life I do notice that certain symbols let me know where something might be located. It is just more common then I thought. For example, most bathrooms will have a typical picture of a stick figure girl or boy and this is how we know where to go to the bathroom. Also when watching a commercial we may recognize the company by their iconic subject. Geico is a great example in my eyes. If I am watching the television and the gecko typically confused with Geico is on the t.v I automatically know that, that commercial is for insurance. Another common figure used to promote insurance is Flo for Progressive. She is very quirky and funny and when I see her in a television ad I know that she is promoting insurance. Because I remember that she is the figure for Progressive and the gecko is for Geico I am already showing examples of how visual symbols affect my life.
never really took the time to think about how many visual symbols I see daily. Think about a hospital or an area where you give blood they almost always have the red cross to symbolize a health center. If you are driving in a car a red light symbolizes that you need to stop. Throughout life if you just take the time to observe you may notice more visuals symbols then you did before.

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